Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Quote of the Day

…the more Jesus preached to the same crowds again and again, the more His messages were filled with rebukes and urgent pleas for their repentance.  He was not impressed with the size or enthusiasm of large crowds.  He was not interested in accumulating the kind of disciples whose main concern was for  what they might get out of the relationship.  He never upholstered his message to make it more cushy for popular opinion, and he never turned down  the rhetorical heat in order to keep the congregation as comfortable as possible.  If anything, His approach was the exact opposite.  He seemed to do everything He could to disquiet the merely curious who were unconverted.  They absolutely loved it when He did miracles.  He rebuked them for that, and He made sure they could not ignore his message." 

 - John Macarthur

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