Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Quote of the Day

....Peter was also 'hurried' to ensure that after he died, they would be reminded of these things.  Our ministries (out of integrity) must not be focused solely on this life.  Our goal should be that the 'righteous reminders' we are fortunate enough to share will out-live us.  What we live for (as others see) will be our 'lasting legacy" - what do we really want (seek) this to be?  Will it be our earthly accomplishments, our personality or the One we lived for?  What would we truly like our epitaph to be?  What would we really like our eulogy to consist of?  Wisdom is often evidenced in the looking beyond our life's end; many struggle to look beyond the end of the day - short -sighted.  The plain idea of Peter's intent was to make it so memories of these concepts and truths would be brought back to their thinking long after he had 'departed'.  It is wise to place 'reminders' around us to help us stay focused as well as to strive to be consistent reminders to others.

Don Lambert

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