Friday, December 21, 2012

Quote of the Day

Our enemies threaten us with death, if they had as much wisdom as foolishness, they would, on the contrary, threaten us with life.  What an absurdity and insult to presume to threaten death to Christ and Christians, who are themselves lords and conquerors of death!......It is as if I would seek to frighten a man by saddling his horse and helping him to mount.  Do they not know that Christ is risen from the dead?  In their eyes HE is still lying in the sepulcher; nay more - in hell.  But we know that He lives……Many believe because of me, but those alone truly believe, who would continue faithful even should they hear (which God forbid!) that I had denied Jesus Christ.  True disciples believe not in Luther, but in Jesus Christ.  As for myself, I do not care about Luther.  Whether he is a saint or a knave, what matters it?  It is not he that I preach; but Christ.  If the devil hate him, let him do so!  But let Christ abide with us, and we shall abide also.

Martin Luther

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