Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quote of the Day

The Godhood of God stands at the base of Divine revelation: “in the beginning God”—in solemn majesty, eternal, un-caused, self-sufficient. This is the foundation doctrine, and upon it all other doctrines must be built, and any other doctrine which is not built upon it will inevitably fail and fall in the day of testing. At the beginning of all true theology lies the postulate that God is God—absolute and irresistible. It must be so. Without this we face a closed door: with it we have a key which unlocks every mystery. This is true of Creation; exclude an Almighty God and nothing is left but blind and illogical materialism. This is true of Revelation: the Bible is the solitary miracle in the realm of literature; exclude God from it and you have a miracle and no miracle-Worker to produce it. This is true of Salvation. Salvation is “of the Lord,” entirely so; exclude God from any aspect or part of salvation, and salvation vanishes. This is true of History, for history is His story: it is the outworking in time of His eternal purpose; exclude God from history and all is meaningless and purposeless. The absolute Godhood of God is the only guaranty that in the end it shall be fully and finally demonstrated that God is “All in all”.

Arthur Pink


  1. Thank you, but I would rather not. I disagree with your belief that water-baptism is necessary for salvation. I wouldn't say that water-baptism is a must, I would rather say it is an 'ought'. I believe that salvation is all of God with no works on our part that contribute. But I do believe that person who is saved will be baptized in obedience to what God has said in His word. Symbolizing the death and resurrection of Christ(and in Him, themselves), their newness of life. Symbolizing what saves them, not being the salvation itself. I don't want people to think that I believe the same.

  2. Yes, baptism isn't the key to salvation. Salvation is a gift that depends only on Christ.
